Acupuncture for Fertility and Assisted Conception (IUI/IVF/ICSI)
My journey with acupuncture started in 2015 when I had acupuncture to support my fertility journey. I was a huge sceptic but it had been recommended to me by many people. Being of scientific mind, I did my research and it was thoroughly convincing. I gave it a a go and it changed my life. Not only do I now have my daughter, but I was so convinced that I became an acupuncturist to help other men and women to become parents.
Because I am aware of how fertility costs can affect IVF couples, I offer two 'Transfer Day' treatments for the price of one. I am also very flexible and can schedule appointments perfectly to your time and date of transfer. I see both men and women for fertility and assisted conception acupuncture, with excellent results.
Acupuncture can help both those trying to conceive naturally and those undergoing IUI/IVF/ICSI. It can help with both male and female infertility for numerous causes. People seek acupuncture for fertility for various reasons - to avoid assisted conception, as a beneficial complement to assisted conception, or as a final option after trying everything else. No matter your specific reason, acupuncture can be an excellent way to achieve greater balance and support your fertility journey.
Acupuncture can benefit the following fertility issues:​
Unexplained infertility
Male factor (sperm parameters)
Ovulation issues
Menstrual cycle irregularities
Recurrent miscarriage/repeated
Failed IVFs
Assisted conception support
What is the evidence for acupuncture in Fertility?
The evidence for acupuncture as a fertility treatment is strong. Many private fertility clinics quietly recommend it alongside conventional medical treatment, having seen it produce positive results. In fact, over the last 4 years, 80% of my fertility patients became pregnant with the addition of acupuncture, compared to a 40% pregnancy rate with IVF alone.
There is a wealth of research proving the efficacy of acupuncture in fertility. The BAcC have an excellent factsheet here about acupuncture and IVF. Please also see the article below - Fertility Acupuncture Information & Research.
Beyond the medical research and IVF outcomes, it's important to note the physical and emotional benefits of incorporating acupuncture into a fertility journey. Fertility treatment can be expensive, time-consuming, and physically and mentally exhausting. While adding acupuncture does increase the time and cost, it can significantly alleviate the stresses and strains of the process. Acupuncture is proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, many patients appreciate that acupuncture is a personal choice they make, unlike the required fertility treatments. It provides them with a sense of control and a chance for self-care amidst the medical appointments, drug regimens, scans, and blood tests.

Why choose me for your fertility acupuncture?
Fertility acupuncture is my passion - it's how I discovered acupuncture and why I became an acupuncturist.
I'm currently studying to become an advanced fertility practitioner, accredited by the Acupuncture Fertility Network. This means you'll benefit from all the skills I already have, as well as the new expertise I'm acquiring.
Having personally experienced infertility, IUI, IVF, and ICSI, I have an insider's deep understanding of the medical fertility system - both clinically and from an acupuncture perspective. This allows me to provide immense value to my infertility patients. I spend a lot of time helping them navigate the complexities of the system, choose the right clinic, and offering crucial emotional support during a challenging time.
What happens when you come
for fertility acupuncture?
Most people who come for fertility treatment would never have considered acupuncture before, so I start your first session by explaining the process to you and working out a schedule that suits you and what you can afford, both time wise and financially. I answer any questions you might have, get you to fill out consent forms and contact details and then ask you some questions. The questions are about your medical history, as well as questions about your cycle (for women). Then there is a treatment which lasts around 30 minutes. Most people find this very relaxing.
I also offer free 20 minute consultations, either on the phone or in person so you can decide whether I'm the right acupuncturist for you.

Fertility Acupuncture Information & Research
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for improving fertility in both men and women. For women, acupuncture regulates fertility hormones, increases the number of high-quality eggs, optimizes the uterine environment, and reduces stress and anxiety levels. In men, acupuncture boosts sperm quantity and quality.
The Mechanism of Acupuncture
Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles at specific acupuncture points which stimulates the release of neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters then travel through the central nervous system to the brain, where they either activate or inhibit nerve signals. It is this modulation of neurotransmitters and nerve signals that allows acupuncture to regulate hormone release and various aspects of physiological health, including fertility.
Balancing Female Hormones
Careful balancing of the female reproductive hormones is crucial for optimal fertility. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is essential for the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles. Elevated FSH levels indicate that the brain must work harder to stimulate follicle and egg development, which can signal a woman's transition into perimenopause. Extremely high FSH may even signify the ovaries have ceased functioning.
In assisted fertility treatments, women with raised FSH levels tend to respond poorly to ovarian stimulation medications and produce fewer eggs, and in severe cases, no eggs at all. Notably, a recent comprehensive review found that acupuncture can positively influence the secretion of reproductive hormones, potentially helping women respond better to ovarian stimulation, whether medication-based or natural.
Increasing Blood Flow
Ovarian follicles and their eggs require hormones and nutrients delivered via the ovarian blood supply to grow and develop. Efficient blood flow to the ovaries is associated with higher quality eggs. Conversely, compromised blood flow can starve the follicles and eggs of vital nutrients and oxygen, potentially leading to fewer good quality eggs during assisted fertility treatments.
Research has shown that acupuncture can increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries by relaxing the walls of blood vessels. In a recent randomized controlled trial, patients receiving acupuncture had significantly more mature eggs compared to those receiving sham (placebo) acupuncture (Kusuma et al., 2019).
Male Infertility
Up to 40% of infertility cases are at least partly due to male factor infertility. Some fertility experts believe that as long as a man has any sperm, in vitro fertilization (IVF) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can overcome male infertility. ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg. However, ICSI pregnancy rates are virtually the same as conventional IVF (33% vs 32.4%). One reason IVF/ICSI may not fully overcome male infertility is that the procedure cannot improve the quality of the sperm itself. It only selects the "best looking" sperm to inject into the egg. Since the embryo contains 50% maternal and 50% paternal DNA, poor sperm quality can lead to poor embryo quality and failed implantation.
Preliminary research indicates that acupuncture may positively influence various sperm parameters, including concentration, motility, vitality, and count. Acupuncture treatment of male partners has also been shown to increase IVF fertilization rates, potentially providing more viable embryos. Some evidence also suggests acupuncture may help regulate testosterone levels, which is crucial for adequate sperm production.
Increase Embryo Implantation
A growing body of evidence suggests that acupuncture can increase embryo implantation rates. For example, one recent study found that acupuncture significantly improved clinical pregnancy rates in patients with a history of two or more failed IVF cycles.
Embryo implantation is dependent on several key factors, including adequate blood supply to the uterus. Research indicates that good uterine blood flow just prior to egg retrieval is associated with improved IVF conception rates. As noted, acupuncture has been shown to successfully increase blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Implantation also relies on a properly functioning immune system. In some cases, immune system issues can prevent embryo implantation. Extensive human and animal research demonstrates that acupuncture helps regulate immune function.
Helping with the Stress of Infertility
A diagnosis of infertility can be as emotionally devastating as a cancer diagnosis, according to research. Stress is particularly detrimental to fertility patients, as it can:
Disrupt reproductive hormones
Decrease sperm quality and quantity
Shorten menstrual cycles and the luteal phase, hindering embryo implantation
Increase the risk of miscarriage
By addressing the emotional toll and managing stress levels, patients may be able to improve their fertility outcomes.
Several studies have demonstrated that acupuncture can effectively reduce anxiety and stress symptoms in infertility patients. Specifically, acupuncture has been shown to lower cortisol, a key physiological marker of stress. A recent meta-analysis further confirms that acupuncture significantly alleviates anxiety in patients undergoing fertility treatments (Ye et al., 2021).
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the world's preeminent professional organization for reproductive medicine, recommends that infertility patients incorporate acupuncture as a means to manage stress and other infertility-related issues.
Acupuncture represents a safe and effective non-pharmacological approach to improving fertility and IVF success rates. However, it is important to note that acupuncture is not a quick-fix solution, and its benefits often require consistent, long-term treatment.
When is Acupuncture Needed?
The research shows that acupuncture treatment is more successful in increasing the IVF pregnancy rate when administered throughout all stages of the IVF process, not just around the time of embryo transfer (Qian et al., 2017). Acupuncture may need to be started at least two to three months before commencing medical infertility treatment, and even earlier in some complex cases. This is because ovarian follicles and the eggs within them take over a year to develop, and sperm takes around three months to be produced. Continuing acupuncture treatment throughout all stages of IVF and into early pregnancy may also be beneficial. However, it is important to remember that some acupuncture is always better than no acupuncture and it is never too late to begin.